Either way, you’re looking for different ways to carry your baby since you can’t always have them in your arms. A meh dai has come up in your search, but you’ve never heard of this contraption before.  A meh dai — sometimes called a beh dai, too — falls somewhere between a structured baby carrier and a simple wrap carrier. And, thanks to this versatility, it provides lots of benefits for parents and babies. Here are four of them to consider. 

1. It’s Easily Adjustable

Let’s say you learn how to use cloth baby wrap to hold your little ones. That’s great—but what happens when the babysitter comes over?  They might want to use the baby carrier, too, especially if they’re tending to multiples. So, you’ll want to have a baby carrier on hand that’s easy to swap between parents, babysitters, grandparents, friends… you name it.  Many people like the meh dai because it’s so easy to adjust. These woven wraps have the adjustability of a traditional carrier without the bulkiness—the best of both worlds.

2. It’s Comfortable For Baby

It’s not just you who will enjoy learning how to use a meh dai. Your babies will love to snooze and sit in these soft woven carriers. And, of course, that’s all you can want as a new parent.  Not only is the fabric soft and flexible, but the design of the meh dai provides comfort to your babies, too. They’ll feel close to you, which puts them at ease—and the softness around them will only enhance the soothing vibes.

3. You’ll Keep Your Hands Free

If you’re a parent of multiples, then you know how important it is to have a free set of hands. A meh dai baby carrier allows you to carry one of your babies without losing access to either one of your hands.  This means you can be productive while toting your babies, too. Of course, you should take as much time as you need to relax. But it’s nice to have the option to do things, even when your baby wants to snuggle—a meh dai gives you that flexibility.

4. It’s Versatile

Finally, when you buy a structured baby carrier, it’s usually set in one position. You can wear it on your back or your belly—no adjustments.  How are meh dai carriers different from other baby carriers? You can readjust it to suit the position in which you want to carry your baby. So, you can set up your meh dai on your back, chest, or even on your hip.  This means that your meh dai can grow with your baby—as they get bigger and more independent, you can carry them differently. 

Is a Meh Dai Right For You? 

Now you know four major benefits of choosing a meh dai. Is it the right baby carrier for you and your family? Only you can answer that question, but it’s a great resource for parents-to-be who want to be close to their babies round-the-clock—even when they need a spare set of hands.  Do you need more advice on baby accessories? Don’t forget to check back with us for more. 

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