Finding The Right Instagram Influencers

  Influencer marketing is essential for any business with any form of marketing and branding. But you need to invest time and energy in finding the right influencers. It isn’t as simple as working with the first influencer you find. You need to find influencers who can reach your target audience. Here is how to find the right Instagram influencers. 

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Just like any marketing campaign you need to know who you are trying to reach before you get started. If you do not already have your target audience segments defined this is step 1. If you do then you need to find influencers who are members of your target audience.  Your influencers will need to represent your brand. Is it a powerful businessman? A fashionable college girl? An aspiring entrepreneur? A yoga teacher? You need to figure out what type of person stands for what your company is and what you do. 

2. More Than Followers

Whilst you want your influencers to have lots of followers, you also want them to be engaged. What type of content do your influencers produce? Are they videos along with photos? Are they producing Reels? Is their content engaging? Do they get lots of comments? And do they reply to their comments? Does their content align with your business and values? Are there past posts that either do not fit with your brand or are not in line with your values? Do their follower lists share similar demographics to your target audience?

3. Where To Look

Once you know your audience and what you are looking for in an Instagram Influencers you need to know where to look to find them. First and foremost are hashtags. Search hashtags related to your product and services. Which influencers are using these hashtags and do they have a large enough following that fits your needs? When searching hashtags start general and then move deeper down with more detailed ones. The more specific you can get the better, but just make sure that people are using that hashtag, and not just your influencer. You can also search the #sponsored or #ad hashtag to find active influencers in your market.  You should also be reviewing who follows you and your competitors’ Instagram pages. If you have followers who fit your influencer profile you might strike gold. If they are already a user or fan of your business they are very well placed to promote your business.  Using influencer marketing software is another valuable tool for finding influencers. These tools let you connect with proven influencers in any industry. These services help you measure and track the impact of your influencer, making sure you get a return on your investment.

Your First Instagram Influencer

once you have found someone who fits your needs you are ready to start influencing. If you are just starting out you can commit to just a single post initially to see how it goes and if things work well you can collaborate more regularly. Adding an Instagram influencer to your branding is an essential part of any modern marketing strategy. If you enjoyed this article check out the rest of our social media blog. 

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