In case you missed Leno’s first incident, he was working on a 1907 White steamer in November when a fuel leak was ignited by the car’s pilot light. Despite suffering severe burns requiring skin grafts, he made a recovery and joked to Hoda Kotb about setting his face on fire.

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review Journal, Leno revealed details of the latest incident. On Jan. 17, he was shaking down a 1940 Indian motorcycle when he reportedly noticed a whiff of fuel. Not wanting to flambé the bike, he pulled into a parking lot to inspect for any leaks. Unfortunately, that parking lot featured a particularly gnarly trap. According to Leno, someone had hung a wire across the parking lot but didn’t tie a flag or anything to it that would warn people of its presence. Clotheslining is a surefire way to separate rider from bike in a fashion that’s about as comfortable as falling down a spiral staircase, and that’s exactly what happened to Leno. As Leno said, “[…] I’ve got a broken collarbone. I’ve got two broken ribs. I’ve got two cracked kneecaps.” Ouch. Despite the painful results of Leno’s bike crash, he seems to be taking it in stride. Leno said that he’s okay, and joked that “You know, after getting burned up, you get that one for free. After that, you’re Harrison Ford, crashing airplanes. You just want to keep your head down (laughs).”

In what could be another bit of bad news, The Hollywood Reporter claims that Jay Leno’s Garage has been canceled as CNBC looks to change up its prime time programming. It would be a shame if this report turns out to be true as Jay Leno’s Garage is fantastic escapism for car nuts without the forced drama of so many automotive TV shows. We wish Jay Leno a full recovery and hope he’s free of fuel-related incidents in the future. He says that he’s working this weekend, so recovery progress sounds like it’s going well. (Photo credits: Jay Leno’s Garage) Support our mission of championing car culture by becoming an Official Autopian Member.

Watch Jay Leno Joke About Setting His Face On Fire In A Steam Car Accident

Jay Leno Seriously Burned After Gasoline Fire In His LA Garage

Jay Leno Released From Burn Ward, And Why A Steam Car Caused A Gas Fire In The First Place

Got a hot tip? Send it to us here. Or check out the stories on our homepage. I hope his YT channel still thrives. I imagine visiting the Leno Automotive Institute in the future where each car will have a small screen with it’s YT segment on a loop. Here is the first episode of the first season (of 4, currently) from “Mansions & Motorcars” with Osborne and Leno: (Jay doesn’t seem to be the type to do that, but stranger things have happened.) Obstructing an entrance or right of way, even a private one, with a barrier that is not visible is a serious act of negligence. The same thing happened to my Uncle in the 60s. He was driving an early convertible 356 Porsche on a practice day at a racetrack in SoCal. He was going down the straight, when someone inexplicably decided to string a cable across the track. He couldn’t see it, and it struck the top of the windshield and then the top of his laughable 60s helmet. It almost killed him. Fortunately he recovered, but my Aunt put her foot down. Choose either me or the racing. He chose her. But there was one bright spot. The team gave him a real sweetheart deal on a right drive front engine Ferrari as a going away present. It was the first Ferrari I ever saw! His segment was my favorite part of the show. A weekly or monthly deep dive into valuation and appraisal would be of interest. If they drop the stupid “challenges” against repeat celebrities, I’ll be extra happy. I’ve already had more than enough Tim Allen and Jeff Dunham cheesy humor for a lifetime. Having other celebrities is still nice mostly because you get to know a bit more about someone you may have found interesting, by the way they interact with cars. ಠ╭╮ಠ

Jay Leno Involved In Motorcycle Crash While Recovering From Steam Car Fire - 52Jay Leno Involved In Motorcycle Crash While Recovering From Steam Car Fire - 53Jay Leno Involved In Motorcycle Crash While Recovering From Steam Car Fire - 8